Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Time to Run

Junior High Track & Field started today.

My daughter ran track last year and is running again this year.

Last year she joined the track team even though none of her friends joined. I was very proud of her.

When I was in high school, I joined track for ONE DAY. They made me run a mile, and I quit. (I joined the musical instead.)

My daughter's team runs a mile every day just to WARM UP! And my daughter still chose to run track again this year, and convinced some friends to join too.

Here's what my daughter wore to practice:

Cami - Aeropostale
Basketball shorts - Kohls (boys dept.)
Reebok running shoes - Lady Footlocker

Every team has a coach. The their's is the awesome Ms. Pittman.

Don't mess with Ms. Pittman.

Last year, some kids (including my daughter) skipped practice one day. The next day Ms. Pittman sent all the regular kids home and made the "skippers" run up and down the school stairs for an extra 1/2 hour.

My daughter never skipped track practice again.

Here's what Ms. Pittman made them do on Day 1:

1. Two laps around the entire school building,
2. A 3rd lap around when their lines weren't straight enough,
3. Stretching and working on how to hold your hands when you run,
4. Running with high-knees and butt-kicks, UP and DOWN a big hill many times,
5. Jumping on and over a line again and again,
6. Working on running form,
7. More stretching.

Even though I can only run a few blocks (vs. a few miles), I love Track & Field season. I love sitting in the stands and cheering on those junior high runners.

Plus, I bring "track snacks." The track team is known for having good snacks. Seriously.

I bring the granola bars, go-gurts, dried fruit, trail mix and Gatorade.

And my daughter runs . . . and runs . . . and runs.

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