Thursday, October 25, 2012

Did I Just Say That?

Today I'm sharing some of my Proud Parenting Moments with you, so that you can feel better about your day, your parenting abilities, and basically, your life!

I chose the following writing prompt from Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop:

4.) "Write a list of 10 things you have said to your kids that other moms might not say."

Thus, the birth of my list.

10 Proud Parenting Moments

1. "I am the Champion and you are the Loser!"  

(Sung to my 5 year-old daughter after I won a board game.  Bad. Very Bad.)

2. "Do you need a pair of 'freshies'?"

(Embarrassed teen daughter with improvised word for fresh pair of underwear.)

3. "I got a new job at your junior high school!  Won't that be fun?!

(Joke gone wrong.  Daughter burst into tears.)

4. "I can't walk the dog.  I'm all 'boob-a-gie."

(Meaning I had no bra on.)

5. "Do you have any jeans that don't show butt crack when you bend over?"

(Said to young, male sales associate in front of my daughter.)

6. "Because her mom is on crack!"

(Said in response to, "But why does she get to do that?"  Oops.  Bad. Very bad.)

7. "Did you actually shampoo your hair?"

8. "What smells like stinky feet?"

9. "Is that your breath?"


10. "Can I hold your hand?"

(Said basically anytime I'm out walking with my daughter.  Sometimes I don't even ask.  I just grab it.)

Now don't you feel better about your parenting skills?!

I thought so.


  1. Oh... I want to say "pull up your pants" every time I see a butt crack! Good for you.

  2. Laughing at these! Especially the butt crack one. My husband wears jeans so loose that the crack always rears it's ugly head. One day he was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter, helping my daughter with her math homework, and I opened the freezer, took out an ice cube, and threw it down the chute. Reaction? Priceless.

    1. I LOVE that you put ice "down the chute!" I believe his reaction was priceless. So funny!

  3. I'm all 'boob-a-gie." Made me laugh, I have been all boob-a-gie since I have retired. I'll tell Mr. BC, "I'm ready I just have to take care of my boob-a-gie!"

    1. I think we should start getting the term "boob-a-gie" into the general lexicon. Don't you think?:)

  4. I was totally reading this while my students were studying for a test. I could not stop giggling! I have just added to their list of reasons why their teacher is certifiable! Lol thanks for the laughs, I totally needed it!

    1. I LOVE that you were reading this at school! And giggling! I work at a junior high also and can totally picture your kids wondering what's the deal.

      P.S. I stopped by your site and love your list. Very funny!!

  5. Boob-a-gie cracked me up! I shall try not to use that near my son. It would scar him for life.

  6. So funny! My teenage sons gets embarrassed very easily by me, but, yes, I do feel a little better after reading these, so thanks. ;) My most frequent cause of their embarrassment is when I burst into song or yell something strange at them, and then they tell me that they're on Skype with a friend who just heard what I did.

    1. Ooh, I sing too and my daughter gets very embarrassed! That's so funny that they're on Skype and worried their friends will hear! It's kind of fun to embarrass our kids:)

  7. OMG (learned from my daughter) these had me in hysterics. The fact that you can even remember these over the course of saying them is to say the least, impressive. I can't remember the embarrassing things I have said even if I just said them! Thanks for the smile. Hope all is well. Barbara

    1. I wish I had written these things down! I've said many, many more I know, but can't remember them all. We're all fine here. I'm glad you're back teaching! Have a great rest of fall!

  8. Oh my goodness, I think I've said or done some similar things as a mom. Only my girls are grown and now I get to torture my boys! lol Don't you just love their reactions sometimes?! Dropping by from Mama Kat's

  9. My favorite so far this fall was when I asked my husband "Now what time do we need to be at the Homecoming Dance to work the refreshment table?" Charlie's eyes nearly fell out of his head. I was joking, of course-I know better than to show up at my kid's first high school dance!
