Thursday, November 29, 2012

Coffee Date for Mom

Today I'm linking up with Mama Kat's Writers Workshop.  The prompt I chose was:

1.) Friends are on their way to your house for a coffee date . . . what kind of afternoon can they expect with you?

It's Tuesday afternoon and I'm expecting my friend Sarah.  I haven't seen Sarah in awhile so I'm really looking forward to our coffee date.

Sarah and I met through our kid's elementary school and at church.  We became friends when our girls were little.  Now, our oldest girls are freshman in high school!

It's so easy to let a week (or three) slip away without spending time with good friends.  I'm guilty of this.  I don't like it.  I need my Sarah coffee dates!

So, we came up with a plan.

Every Tuesday afternoon is CRAFT DAY!

We meet at one of our houses, generally drink coffee, eat some cookies, and work on our latest craft project.  And we talk and laugh, a lot!

Sarah is crafty.  I am not.

Yet, our Tuesday afternoons inspire me to try new things.

After several Craft Days, I finally finished a scarf I started 4 years ago!  This is thanks to Sarah and her knitting prowess.

Here's Sarah knitting a cowl.

Craft Day at Sarah's house
That darn cowl wasn't working well, so she switched to knitting some very cool arm and hand warmers.  HINT HINT:  I'd like a pair for Christmas!

Now that my scarf is done, I've switched to creating cool, handmade cards.

I love them and think some may even be Etsy worthy.  We'll see about that later.

For now, I'm happy to spend coffee and craft days with my good friend.

Maybe next Tuesday we'll have margaritas (like we did last week).  Super fun!


  1. A craft day, huh? You and your friends are officially so much cooler than I am...

    Stopped by from mama kats!

  2. Oh this sounds wonderful! We have just moved in August and I am trying to make new friends- I miss the comfort of old friends- and I LOVE to craft! Stopping by from Mama Kat's.

    1. Good luck finding your new friends! In know you will. It's fun to meet new people, but I agree the comfort of old friends is very nice.

  3. Fun! I need a craft day AND a craft friend! Can I borrow yours? ;)

    1. You're welcome to join us anytime! It's a fun way to stay in touch with friends.

  4. Oh how I love that idea! I have a crafty friend, and we have been talking about trying to do this once a month, but so far all we have done is eat breakfast and go thrifting. Perhaps 2013 will work out!

    Also, thank you SO MUCH for coming to our fundraiser benefit for my friend, we raised a lot of money for her and her family. You are a gem!

    1. Doing a craft day with you would be a blast! I enjoyed the fundraiser benefit. I got several Christmas gifts for people that day! Also something for myself and Juliana:)

      I love to get together again when you have some time. I know you and your family have been quite busy lately. Congratulations by the way!!
